Breakfast at the Lake

Last Thursday when i was leaving to walk to the lake hannah wanted to come. i told her that i really need this time to myself but that we would walk to the lake together the next day. so the next morning i woke her up and walked to the lake. i packed a soft cooler with mini chocolate doughnuts and sippie cups with milk and 2 straws. her eyes lit up when i pulled out the doughnuts. those were really a treat since i never buy those. but life is too short to totally eliminate delicious junk food. it was awesome sitting on the bench with the cool morning breeze. i told her how i like to come to the lake to pray and often thank God for all i have. so we took turns saying what we are thankful for. after several she asked, “Is this game almost over?” That golden, special moment ended with her just being a kid. =) she then asked if you could play tag at the playground. and then said only if she wanted us to both puke cause of all the milk and doughnuts we had. so skipped that idea. my one on one hannah times are too few and want to have more mommy and daughter dates. another reason mornings are awesome