You Don’t Need to Hide


I am so thankful that I do not feel the need to hide from God.  Many can see him as a mean dictator but that is not who God is.  He is my good, good father.

Yesterday I focused on Genesis 3:8, “When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man (being Adam) and his wife (being Eve) heard the Lord God walking about in the garden.  So they hid from the Lord God (because they were scared of him and what He might do to them for doing wrong) among the trees.”

Often I feel and hear the breeze blowing and my heart is turned toward God.  It is like He is calling me to rest in His love.  It is as though I hear “the Lord walking about in the garden”.  Praise God that I do not want to hide but I want to stay.  I am not afraid of God but instead I am certain of his deep love for me.  I want to stay in the garden and feel his peace wash over me.  I want to enjoy the garden’s beauty with God.

Being quiet and still – I can focus on the wonder of creation.  I can listen to the birds.  I can admire the brilliant red of a cardinal.  It is in nature that I often feel most connected to God.  It calls to my attention of His creative power. I love those Bible verses that talk about his creation praising Him.  “You will live in joy and peace.  The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the fields will clap their hands!”- Isaiah 55:12  

He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!”- Luke 19:40

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”- Psalms 19:1

All of creation sings His praise.  Perhaps that is why I love to be in nature.  It’s like I’m in a concert singing of His goodness and love.

I find it interesting that “they hid among the trees”.  For me it is among the trees that I find God.  I don’t go to the forest to hide and escape from God.  I go there to be found by Him.  Listening to the whisper of the pines is like hearing the whisper of God.  I love the quotation, “Let us be silent so that we may hear the sweet whisper of God.” ( I was given a piece of art that says this and it sits of my desk. I love it!)