Best $20 Investment

One family fun night I sent Jeremy to Lowes to pick up a black light for our GLOW themed evening.  I had used it once and tucked it away in my closet.

With the colder weather we are stuck in doors usually after dinner so we have been having dance parties.  I put on my favorite Pandora station, 80’s Cardio(not Jeremy’s favorite, he just smiles, goes along with it and dances with us) and we dance til we are pooped-usually 5-10 songs.

I recently thought the fun factor could be upped with our black light.  So I moved it to the top of our bookshelf and it has become a permanent part of our living room.

A typical playlist goes something like this:

  • Everybody Dance Now by C & C Music Factory
  • Can’t Touch This by MC Hammer
  • Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
  • Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch
  • Mickey by Toni Basil